September 17, 2020 admin

Medicare Sales Jobs: How to Succeed

Medicare sales agents have access to a great earning potential and a rewarding career – but not every agent reaches that potential. There are many things that successful Medicare agents have to get right, from meeting licensing requirements to providing excellent customer service.

Here’s a look at what you’ll need if you want to be successful in Medicare sales.

  1. Get Your Licenses and Certification

First off, you can’t start selling Medicare plans until you have the proper licensing and certification. To sell health insurance – and that includes Medicare – you’ll need to meet your state’s licensing requirements. And if you want to sell insurance in multiple states, you’ll need to get licensed in each state.

You’ll also need to get approved by the carriers you sell for. That will typically involve AHIP certification, as well as any carrier-specific training that’s required. To make sure you can offer your clients a wide range of options, you’ll want to certify with multiple carriers.

This isn’t a one-and-done deal, either. It’s important to keep your licenses and certification up to date. Medicare sales agents need to re-certify each year to keep selling.

  1. Know Your Stuff

You’ll need to learn a lot about Medicare in order to obtain the licenses and certification that are required to start selling policies, but don’t think you can forget this information as soon as you’ve passed your tests. Your clients count on you to provide them with accurate and reliable information.

Think of the tests as a starting point. The more you know, the better positioned you’ll be to help your clients.

These are some of the issues your clients might have questions about:

  • Enrollment and Eligibility Issues – Can you explain who is eligible for Medicare and when and how they can enroll?
  • Medicare Plan Types – Can you explain the different types of Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans?
  • Prescriptions – Can you explain how prescription coverage works and how much enrollees will pay?
  • Costs – Can you explain how the different out-of-pocket costs work and how enrollees can compare their plan costs to make sure they’re selecting the right coverage?
  • Special Needs Plan – Can you explain the different types of Special Needs Plans, who qualifies for them and how they can enroll?
  • Special Enrollment Period – Can you explain when and why Medicare enrollees may qualify for Special Needs Plans and when they can enroll?
  • Low-Income Subsidies – Can you explain low-income subsidies to clients who may need some extra help?

Your clients might have other questions, too. Medicare is confusing, and that’s why many beneficiaries turn to a Medicare agent for help. Be ready to help.

  1. Stay in Compliance

To sell Medicare policies, you need to comply with some pretty strict marketing guidelines. If you break these rules, whether knowingly or unknowingly, you could face severe consequences.

Here are a just few things that are prohibited:

  • You can’t call $0 premium plans “free.”
  • You can’t leave flyers on people’s doors.
  • You can’t make unsolicited phone calls to prospective enrollees.
  • You can’t provide a meal at a sales/marketing event, although you can provide light snacks and refreshments.

These are just a few examples of prohibited marketing activities – there’s a lot more. To succeed as an agent, you need to be very familiar with the Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines.

  1. Show That You Care

If selling Medicare plans is your career, it’s understandable that you want – really, need – to make money. But Medicare enrollees aren’t just dollar signs. They’re people who need the right health insurance policy so that they can take care of their medical needs while staying within their budget.

Some of your clients may have severe health issues, and they need to know that their plan will provide the benefits they need. Others may be struggling to live on a fixed income. They may be confused by Medicare, and they want help from someone they can trust.

Take time to listen to your clients. This will help you understand their needs, which will make it easier for you to help them find the right plan. It will also help build trust between you and your clients. In return, they will likely reward you with loyal business year after year, and they may refer you to their friends, neighbors and relatives. Read “How to Market to Seniors” for more on this topic.

  1. Stick to Your Goals

Most people can be a little impatient when it comes to waiting for something they really want. You really want to succeed as a Medicare sales agent. It can happen – but it may not happen overnight.

Building a client list can take a while. Remember – this is a career, not a summer job. You need to think about Medicare sales in the longterm.

Overtime, your client list can grow, and you’ll get income on renewals, too. And if you’re great at your job, you’ll develop a good reputation and start to get more clients from referrals and word-of-mouth marketing.

Do you have trouble sticking to your goals? These tips may help.

  • Keep a calendar filled with goals and deadlines. What do you want to accomplish this week, this month and this year?
  • Create goals that are in your control. You can control how many flyers you mail, emails you send and events you host – but you can’t always control how many sales you make, not directly, anyway. When setting your goals, be sure to include actions that help bring about the results you want, not just the results themselves.
  • Reward yourself. Rewards can be a great incentive. It can be something small – like a scoop of your favorite ice cream after you complete a task – or something big – like a nice vacation after a successful AEP.
  1. Be Meticulous

Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes made during Medicare enrollment can cause real problems for your clients – and yourself. To make sure you’re getting everything right, you need to work carefully.

  • Don’t make assumptions. Ask questions and verify facts to make sure you have all the details right.
  • Don’t rush. Give each application and each appointment the time it deserves.
  • Review everything. Go over your applications and other paperwork to make sure you haven’t left anything out or made any mistakes.
  1. Take Charge of Your Success

As an independent agent, you’re an entrepreneur. This means you’re in charge of your career. You will succeed – or fail – based on your own actions.

You only get as much out as you put it, so don’t do the minimum work possible and expect maximum results.

  • Keep up with marketing efforts, such as mail campaigns and in-person marketing/sales events. You need to put yourself out there to attract new clients.
  • Maintain a strong online presence. Many seniors are online these days, and you should be, too. You should have a website and a social media presence. It’s important to keep your website and social media feed up to date – if visitors see that nothing new has been posted in years, they might assume you’ve gone out of business. Keep your online presence professional.
  • Follow up with clients. If you say you’re going to do something, you need to do it. Otherwise, clients will realize you’re not reliable, and they’ll find another agent who is.
  • Stay organized. With so many clients, carriers and plans, you have a lot to keep track of. Keep files and calendars well organized so you can always find the information you need.
  • Don’t slack on security. A lot of work is done online these days. While that is convenient, it can open the door to cyberattacks. Take security measures to keep your electronic materials, including emails, safe.
  • Make an effort year-round. AEP only comes once a year, but your clients may need you throughout the year. Although AEP will likely be your busiest time of the year, you should find ways to stay in touch with clients and keep up your marketing to people turning 65 throughout the year.

All of these steps are easier with the right Field Marketing Organization by your side. Learn more about becoming a Legends United agent.


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